In my Instrumental Albums I have included a wide variety of songs ranging from recent to very old hits. Launched on 07th Feb. This Website is filled with Singhala Songs, played by me on th e Keyboards. This effort will give you the opportunity to enjoy enormous variety of FREE instrumental music, continuously for more than 50 hrs Otherwise, this effort is practically impossible, as they are non-existing for most songs. Reproduction of these instrumental music tracks for commercial purposes or any violation of rights is not permitted. You may Become a friend on FB and show you like this effort. kameliya mal suwadata song

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Unfortunately, we are unable to hear them today, as most songs were not preserved or reproduced. Hewa Canada cybersawana gmail. You may Become a friend on FB and show you like this effort.

kameliya mal suwadata song

Launched on 01st August Entire Album has been added to this Website.!!! The music of the 60's, 70's and 80's holds a special memory kmaeliya those of us who grew up with it. This effort will give you the opportunity to enjoy enormous variety of FREE instrumental music, continuously for more than 50 hrs Use the Search facility provided at the top-right-hand corner to search any song in this site.!

Cindarella - Lyrics and Music by Kithsiri Jayasekara arranged by _ShaLithA_ | Smule

Commercial Producers in our music industry have overlooked this need maybe due to lack of commercial viability, compared to production cost. This river of music is continuously flowing from past to present.! Anuhetti for cre ating these beautiful visuals. CyberSawana is not liable for any consequences arising from misusing the free instrumental music tracks contained in this Website. Being a music lover since childhood, playing the keyboards is my prime hobby.

I wish to thank all visitors who commented and encouraged me to do this many Albums.

Cinderella kithsiri jayasekara mp3

Although, our music heritage is rich with such songs, no one has bothered creating at least an instrumental version of them. Some of our Music Composers who composed these unforgettable songs.! Click on images to enlarge!

I have attempted to create the instrume ntal version of many everlasting favorite Singhala Songs on the Keyboards and compiled them in MP3 format, retaining the optimum audio quality.

Otherwise, suwsdata effort is practically impossible, as they are non-existing for most songs.

It took at least six months for me to complete each SAWANA album and I have entirely devoted my spare time to produce them since I am not a professional musician. Visuals Visuals for CyberSawana Music. In this iPod era, continuously playable collection of instrumental music is a must for mxl music lover belongs to any ethnicity or country.

Thanks to Google for providing this Web space. Your comments are most welcome!

kameliya mal suwadata song

Launched on 07th Feb. Music 4 Every Mood.

Reproduction of these instrumental music tracks for commercial purposes or any violation of rights is not permitted. In this iPod digital era that kamdliya a huge vacuum kameliyw our community. Cybersawana has a Facebook profile. In future, I will be able to upload all the instrumental music that I produce as a relaxing leisurely activity, whenever time permits.

This was launched as a noncommercial product with free access, in August I am grateful to my family for supporting me to make this possible. When it exceeded songs, I thought of producing an unique album called "SAWANA" just to distribute among friends and other Sri Lankan Music fans, to provide relaxing easy listening pleasure with more than 40 hours of Sinhala Instrumental Music, Free.

Xuwadata Product with free access. In the long history of Sinhala Music, there are numerous everlasting super hits lingering in our memory. In my Instrumental Albums I have included a wide variety of songs ranging from recent to very old hits.


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